Seminario in modalita` virtuale: D. Modirrousta (UNIPA), 29 Ottobre ore 11.30

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Speaker: Darius Modirrousta (UNIPA)

Titolo: Exploring Super-Earth Interiors: Core Erosion and Envelope Metallicity


Constraining the composition of super-Earths can reveal information on their interior structures, formations, and histories. In most cases, only the mass and radius are known, which results in a compositional degeneracy. Fortuitously, spectroscopic analyses can be used to deduce the chemical composition of exoplanetary atmospheres. Combining the atmospheric composition with the planetary mass and radius would greatly reduce the interior degeneracy provided the connection between the atmospheric and interior compositions is fully understood. Here it is shown that the core erosion of super-Earths can lead to elevated metallicities, that might then be used to deduce their core’s composition, provided the eroded material affects the observable part of the atmosphere. We find regions within the atmospheric mass — core’s mass — effective temperature parameter space wherein core erosion would occur. Our simulations show that the metallicity is sensitive to the composition and mass of the core, the effective temperature of the planet, the mass of the primordial envelope, and the radius of the planet. Our results could be compared with atmospheric spectroscopic measurements to determine which planets experienced substantial core erosion. From this, their interior compositions could be inferred. Our model is a stepping-stone in understanding the importance of core erosion in super-Earths.