
Visita museo Fichera
Ott 17@9:00–13:00

2 pax

visita museo liceo croce
Ott 25@10:00–12:45

Liceo Croce

visita museo due bambini + genitori
Ott 26@15:00–17:00
Concorso INAF
Ott 27@14:30–19:30
Visita museo 7 pax Misilmeri – Chinnici
Nov 4@15:00–17:00
visita museo istituto paritario trinacria
Nov 7@9:00–13:00

40 studenti

primo turno 9.30

secondo turno 11


Seminario: Giuliana Cosentino (Chalmers University of Technology, SE), Aula, ore 15
Nov 8@15:00–16:30

Stanza Google meet:

Speaker: Giuliana Cosentino (Space, Earth and Environment Department, Chalmers University of Technology, SE)

Title: Feedback from Supernova Remnants: triggering Star Formation in the ISM

Abstract: Supernova remnants (SNRs) drive large-scale shocks that locally enhance the density of the surrounding material but also inject vast amounts of energy and momentum that largely perturb and disperse the Interstellar Medium (ISM).
The interplay between these two effects is considered paramount in regulating the star formation efficiency in galaxies. However, how SNRs affect the physical conditions of the ISM is not well constrained from an observational point of view.
In this talk, I will present our work aimed to address this question.
I will show our study of the large scale shock triggered by the SNR W44 on the molecular cloud G034. I will show how the shock, probed by Silicon Monoxide (SiO) and observed with ALMA, enhances the density of the processed gas to values compatible with those required for massive star formation and has helped to shape the cloud. I will also present our exploratory large single-dish
observing program SHREC, aimed to observe the molecular shock tracer
SiO(2-1) toward a sample of 30 SNRs known to be interacting with molecular clouds. I will introduce the aim and technical aspects of SHREC and present the first results obtained toward the SNRs IC443.
IC443 is a well known SNR, expanding into and interacting with a nearby toroidal molecular cloud. Toward the major site of interaction, known as clump G, we estimate the mass of the shocked gas to be 100 Msun.
The shock driven by IC443 into this material enhances its density by a factor >10, to value consistent with those required to ignite star formation. Finally, we estimate that between 35-50% of the momentum injected by IC443 is transferred to the nearby molecular material. Our work therefore indicates that the molecular ISM is an important carrier of the SNR momentum and that the SNR-molecular cloud interaction play a crucial role in the regulating star formation in galaxies.

Riprese documentario MediaInaf
Nov 11@10:00–18:00
Seminario: Marcell Tessenyi (BSS Italia) , 14 Novembre ore 15.00
Nov 14@15:00–16:00

Stanza Google Meet:

Speaker:  Marcell Tessenyi (BSS Italia)

Titolo: Mauve and Twinkle: UV and infrared satellites delivered through a new model


Mauve and Twinkle are part of a new family of satellites from Blue Skies Space that use the latest commercial space industry developments to deliver scientific missions on vastly accelerated timescales, setting a new pace for science discovery.

Mauve is a low-Earth orbit (LEO) small satellite containing a UV spectrometer and a 15cm class telescope. It is designed to monitor the activity of nearby stars, with a particular focus on M-dwarfs that might host habitable zone planets. The construction begins this year with partners C3S and ISISpace, for a planned launch in early 2024. Twinkle is a larger LEO satellite carrying a 0.45m telescope and an infrared spectrometer with a simultaneous wavelength coverage from 0.5 to 4.5μm. It is designed to detect the composition of atmospheres of exoplanets orbiting bright stars, as well as solar system objects such as comets and asteroids. The satellite, expected to launch in late 2024, is based on a high-heritage platform from Airbus and an instrument by ABB Canada. Both satellites will provide scientific data highly complementary to existing and upcoming exoplanet related space and ground-based observatories, including NASA/ESA/CSA’s James Webb Space Telescope and ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope.

Blue Skies Space is able to deliver Mauve and Twinkle thanks to the substantial transformations currently on-going in the space sector in Europe and beyond. Blue Skies Space Italia S.R.L. was set up this year to leverage the capabilities and expertise of the Italian science and technology community and help coordinate European science, technology and funding activities.

Visita Filippo Mirabello e ospiti
Nov 15@10:00–13:00