The chronology of star formation in the Lagoon.The study: “The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators” of L. Prisinzano (INAF-OAPA) recently appeared on A&A

Stars form from the gravitational contraction of large gas clouds. This process may occur in two different modes: It may be fast, with a characteristic timescale dictated by the free fall of gas onto the forming stars, or it may be slow, sustained by turbulence and magnetic field. In the former case stars form over a short period, while in

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The chronology of star formation in NGC 6530. The study: “Wide-area photometric and astrometric (Gaia DR2) study of the young cluster NGC 6530” of F. Damiani (INAF-OAPA) recently appeared on A&A

Stars form from the gravitational collapse of large interstellar clouds. During the process, the clouds fragment in smaller clouds, forming clusters and associations of stars counting from few tens to several hundred thousands stars. The star formation process typically is not a monolithic process, e.g. with a single large event of star formation occurring rapidly and forming all the stars

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