Atmosphere and habitability in terrestrial planets. The study: “A systematic study of CO2 planetary atmospheres and their link to the stellar environment” of A. Petralia (INAF-OAPA) recently appeared on MNRAS

Terrestrial planets are common in the Milky Way. It has been estimated, in fact, that at least 30% of stars in the Solar neighborhood host a terrestrial planet, and this fraction increases to 40% considering the habitable zone around all M stars (e.g. stars with effective temperature between 2400 and 3700 degrees) of the Galaxy. The habitable zone is defined

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An iron-rich atmosphere for the planet KELT-9b. The study: “The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIX. Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and improved parameters of KELT-9b” of F. Borsa (INAF-OA di Brera) recently appeared on A&A

To date (October 2019), 4073 exoplanets have been confirmed, while 4495 are still candidates. The vast majority of these exoplanets have been discovered with two techniques: the analysis of transits (e.g.: measuring the decline of stellar luminosity during the passage of the planets in across the stellar disk) and radial velocity (by detecting,  thanks to the Doppler effect and spectroscopic

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