Seminario: Dominique Meyer (Institute of Space Sciences ICE, CSIC, Campus UAB, Barcelona, Spain)

14 May 2024 @ 15:00 – 16:30

Speaker Dominique Meyer (Institute of Space Sciences ICE, CSIC, Campus UAB, Barcelona, Spain)

Titolo: “Supernova remnants of massive stars”

Abstract: Stars more massive than our Sun by at least a factor of ten are rare but seminal objects in galaxies such our Milky Way. Their powerful radiation, stellar winds, and explosive deaths are dominant engines driving the cycle of matter in the interstellar medium by ionizing and chemically enriching it, inducing turbulence, and producing cosmic rays. The direct surroundings of massive stars (circumstellar medium) appear as gaseous nebulae visible accross the electromagnetic spectrum.  The shapes of the nebulae and their physical charcteristics are the important fingerprints of past stellar evolution and the ambient medium properties. However, to understand how massive stars interact with their surrownding during their lives and after their deaths the sophysitacted multi-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical and radiative transfer numerical simulations are required. In this talk we will take a journey throughout the lives of massive stars, from their infant to defunct evolutionary phases. We will employ some of the most complex numeric models exisiting to date to discover how interstellar medium morphology is sculptured by massive stars and what does it tell us about stellar feedback in galaxies. Particularly, we will present simulations tailored to the surroundings of evolved massive stars like the red supergiant Betelgeuse and Wolf-Rayet stars, to constrain their past evolution. Finally, we will explore what the asymmetries in non-thermal remnants left behind massive stars which died in a supernova explosion, like the Cygnus Loop nebula and pulsar wind nebulae, tell us about stellar lives.