PICS, Physics of Mass Accretion Processes in Young Stellar Objects

Physics of Mass Accretion Processes in Young Stellar Objects The project has been funded in the framework of a joint programme of scientific cooperation between Italy and France (Projet International de Coopération Scientifique; PICS). The project started in February 2015 and will last 3 years. It focusses on mass accretion processes occurring in young stars and aims to investigate the details of how matter accretes and how its energy is radiated away. The study is based on the development of magnetohydrodynamic models describing the impact of accretion streams onto the surface of the protostar.

Partner internazionali/nazionali

Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo (OAPa; Italy)
Universita` di Palermo (UNIPa; Italy)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS; France)
University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC; France)
Observatoire de Paris (OP; France)
Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur (OCA; France)

Ruolo di OAPA e partecipanti

Ruolo di OAPa: co-Leadership con CNRS


S. Orlando (co-PI; OAPa)

M. Miceli (UNIPa)
C. Argiroffi (UNIPa)
R. Bonito (UNIPa)
F. Reale (UNIPa)
G. Peres (UNIPa)
S. Stehle’ (co-PI; CNRS)
A. Ciardi (UPMC)
S. Cabrit (OP)
T. Lanz (OCA)
V. Servan-Cayatte (CNRS)
C. Sauty (CNRS