
Seminario: Paolo Saracco (INAF)
May 27 @ 11:00 – 12:30

SHARP – A Near-IR Multi-mode Spectrograph Conceived for the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Module MORFEO@ELT


The world’s largest aperture combined with state-of-the-art Adaptive Optics systems will enable the ELT to capture better data than the JWST in both sharpness and depth. Therefore, the spectrograph intended for the 2nd port of the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) system MORFEO@ELT will be the most powerful instrument of the JWST era, revealing phenomena beyond the reach of others. SHARP ( is a near-IR spectrograph designed for the 2nd port of MORFEO@ELT, intended to be submitted in the upcoming ESO instrument call. Composed of a Multi-Object Spectrograph, NEXUS, and a multi-Integral Field Unit, VESPER, SHARP covers the wavelength range to 0.95-2.45 μ. Coupled with MCAO-assisted observations, it delivers unprecedented high angular (~30 mas) and spectral resolution, outperforming NIRSpec@JWST (100 mas). MORFEO-SHARP will allow us to study the nearby and the early Universe in unprecedented detail, resolving the first galaxies and the star forming regions within galaxies far back in cosmic time, and providing spectra of individual nearby young stellar objects. This presentation introduces the scientific rationale behind SHARP, showcasing its features and inviting those interested to join the SHARP team.

esami corso di dottorato @ Aula
Jun 3 @ 9:30 – 12:00
Academy of distinction 20 pax
Jun 19 all-day

Ref. Miceli 40 pax

Seminario: Salvatore Sciortino (NAF)
Jun 20 @ 15:00 – 16:30

Speaker: Salvatore Sciortino (INAF)

Titolo: ” `Time` and Physics: A strange marriage and more …”


The physical nature of Space and Time has been always at the core of the
physical theories. After General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics have become
consolidated main-stream theories some of the attempts to reconcile them have
required to consider a world where Space have more than 3 dimensions, like in
the string theories, or Time is not fundamental, like in the some proposed GR
reformulations, or in the Loop Quantum Gravity, or Space and Time are not
fundamental, like seems to imply the Twistor theory. Following L. Smoolin
analysis and arguments I will discuss why one arrives to the conclusion
(contrary to rooted and somehow hidden ideas) that Time is fundamental and
illustrates some of the key implications on our effort to understand the
physical world, and the conceptual difficulty to apply “standard” physical
theory to the Universe.

riunione pnrr stiles – Pr. office
Jun 25 @ 14:30 – 15:30
Seminario: Salvatore Sciortino (INAF)
Jun 27 @ 15:00 – 16:00

Speaker: Salvatore Sciortino (INAF)

Titolo: “Is Quantum Mechanics the last word ? Why not ? Some alternative ideas  toward (re-)introducing realism in Physics”


The General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) are the two pillars of
today Physics. They have been verified in a huge number of conditions and have
survived to all falsification attempts. Several key aspects of our life and our
societies are based on them, among them the entire internet “world”, mobile
phones and GPS assisted navigation. Despite these astonishing successes, after
about 100 years of efforts of the smartest worldwide physicists GR and QM still
remain essentially incompatible. Most of the past “merging” efforts have mostly
concentrated on attempts to “quantize” general relativity but they have been so
far either unsuccessful or have ended up to unfalsifiable theories. This has
stimulated a critical rethinking of the basis of today physics pillar theories,
especially of QM. I will present some of this alternative ideas, their pro and
con following the analysis path championed by R. Penrose and L. Smoolin whose
ultimate aim is to build a new physical theory based on the idea that a real
world exists (independently from one of us watching it) and Physics is the
science to understand how it really works.

esami corso di management
Jul 10 @ 14:00 – 17:00
Seminario: Jorge Sans-Forcada (CAB, CSIC-INTA, Spain)
Jul 11 @ 11:30 – 13:00

Titolo X-exoplanets and the quest for the He I 10830 triplet in exoplanets


Exoplanet atmospheres photoevaporate because of XUV stellar irradiation.
Evaporation signs are mainly detected through the h Lyman-alpha line, or
more recently in the He I 10830 triplet. Despite of early efforts back
in 2000, it was not until 2018 that the line was detected in exoplanet
atmospheres. The He I line is not affected by interstellar medium
absorption, and that is pushing a number of observations to search for
its presence in exoplanet atmospheres. The stellar high energy
irradiation also plays a role in this line formation. But all the
attempts to relate the stellar XUV irradiation and the presence of the
line in exoplanets have ended in just a suggestive trend. Studies
related to photoevaporation, and also on the He I 10830 line, show the
importance of having good models of the XUV stellar emission. Along this
talk I will describe the update done to our early X-exoplanet models,
and how this accurate work has allowed us to define a clear correlation
between XUV stellar irradiation and the detection of He I 10830 triplet
in exoplanet atmospheres. Some hints on the future development of XUV
modelling will be discussed.

Jul 23 @ 9:30 – 12:30
Talk Eleonora Fiorellino
Sep 3 @ 11:00 – 13:00