Referente: Laura Leonardi
Titolo: Supernova remnants in radio: a multiple approach
Speaker: Adriano Ingallinera, INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
Abstract: Supernova remnants (SNRs) are one of the most prominent sources in the Galactic plane. Emitting throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, they have been a unique laboratory for plasma physics. The radio band is particularly suitable for studying these objects, with more than 95% of all known Galactic SNRs detected at centimetre wavelengths. Here I present a few cases in which we used radio data to characterize SNRs, following different approaches. In the first work, we exploited the unprecedented sensitivity of MeerKAT, the SKA-MID precursor, to achieve a spectral characterization of the radio emission of a sample of 29, poorly studied, SNRs in the southern hemisphere. Results, implications and future work will be summarized. The interferometry has some limitations when observations of objects more extended than a few arcminutes are carried out at frequencies above 10 GHz. In these cases, single-dish telescopes are of great help. In an ongoing work, we are studying the SNR KES 73, using observations we made with the Sardinia Radio Telescope between 7 and 24 GHz. A spatial variation of the spectral index is under investigation. KES 73 is located in a very complex region and it is possibly interacting with some nearby sources. A multiwavelength characterization of the environment and the modeling of its non-thermal emission will be presented. Finally I will discuss the new SKA science book, a collection of science cases for SKA of which I am in charge of coordinating the chapter on SNRs. The book is aimed at giving the community a comprehensive view of the impact of the upcoming SKA observatory.