
Performance teatrale
Feb 9@15:00–19:30
Riunione EXOPA
Feb 13@10:00–13:00
Incontro con U. Becciani su Bandi a cascata CN HPC
Feb 13@14:30–16:00
Riunione Masse RV
Feb 16@9:30–13:30
Congresso La vita e lo spazio (remoto): invited
Feb 16@14:00–18:30
Seminario: Francesco Malara (UniCal)
Feb 20@15:00–16:00

Speaker: Francesco Malara (UniCal)

Titolo del talk: “MHD waves and turbulence in plasmas of the solar corona”

“The solar corona is made of extremely tenuous plasmas having different physical conditions, e.g., temperature, density, and magnetic fields. In response to perturbations, restoring forces determined by pressure and the local magnetic field can determine the formation and propagation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. Coronal loops sustain the propagation of different types of MHD with a broad range of periods and amplitude, with the most easily observed and studied one being the kink mode. Kink waves in loops, usually excited in impulsive events (e.g. flares) with amplitude of 4-5 Mm and periods of 3-5 min, are strongly damped within few wave periods. However, high-resolution observations from different space missions in the last decade have shown the omnipresence of so-called “decayless fluctuations”, i.e., kink oscillations with a small amplitude (< 1 Mm) and no damping. Their discovery in the solar corona has posed new questions about their driver and the mechanisms for energy transfer in the solar atmosphere. In fact, the dissipation of the fluctuation energy is one of the possible mechanisms that are believed to be resposible for the heating of the solar corona. In an extremely high Reynolds/Lundquist number plasma, such as in the corona, a key role is played by fluctuation-inhomogeneity couplings, as well as by nonlinear effects that generate a turbulent cascade. In the last few decades such effects have been studied in great detail. Here we present a numerical investigation aiming at clarifying the interplay of these two mechanims in the dissipation of Alfvén waves. We find that, in a regime representative of coronal magnetic structures, fluctuation-inhomogeneity couplings and turbulence synergically work to significantly speed up the conversion of fluctuating kinetic/magnetic energy into thermal energy. Their potential contribution to solving the coronal heating problem is emphasized, as well as the potentialities offered by the MUSE mission in studying the formation and evolution of MHD waves in the corona.”

lezione dottorato (corso di management)
Feb 21@14:00–16:00
Seminario: Ileana Chinnici (INAF)
Feb 21@15:30–17:00

Speaker: Ileana Chinnici (INAF)
Titolo: Le spedizioni scientifiche dell’Osservatorio di Palermo, ieri e oggi

Anche l’Osservatorio di Palermo, nel corso della sua lunga storia, ha organizzato o partecipato ad alcune spedizioni scientifiche; naturalmente, non sempre si è trattato di finalità vòlte a studi astronomici, ma in ogni caso le spedizioni avevano scopi scientifici. Tra quelle di carattere astronomico vanno ricordate, in particolare, la spedizione nella Sicilia sud-orientale per l’osservazione dell’eclisse totale di Sole del 1870, quella per il transito di Venere in India nel 1874, quella per le eclissi totale di Sole nelle Isole Nicobar nel 1875 e in Tunisia nel 1905. Di recente, come è noto, è stata anche organizzata una spedizione in Calabria per l’occultazione di Betelgeuse da parte dell’asteroide Leonia nel dicembre 2023. Lo scopo di questo seminario è quello di illustrare soprattutto le spedizioni storiche astronomiche (da cui sempre c’è da imparare!) e raccogliere notizie su eventuali altre spedizioni del XX secolo di cui hanno memoria i colleghi più anziani.

Riunione CME
Feb 22@11:30–13:00
Riunione Julien
Feb 22@15:00–16:30